about most nonprofit

Our “Impact”

It’s the word that haunts our annual campaigns and Giving Tuesday emails; the phrase that gets tossed around at luncheons, galas, and about us pages.

We all need our impact to be tangible, effective, measurable, and sustainable. We also need our impact to be bite-sized, less than 280 characters, hashtag-oriented, and written in size 11 font to fit on the new letterhead.

We need our impact to have a celebrity spokesperson, be shared by an instagram influencer, name dropped on late night television, and paired with a Sarah McLachlan song in the background.

As nonprofit professionals, we all want to understand our impact beyond the tag line or catch phrase of the current campaign. We want to open our $2.99 bottle of red blend knowing that we’re helping others - that we’re part of something bigger than ourselves.

Time to break out the $7.99 champagne:

Introducing Most Nonprofit.

The friend/sounding board/therapist we know our health insurance won’t cover.

We invite you to share your stories with us.

Not the one that you tell at donor receptions while making eye contact with the bartender so they can refill your glass while you ask your board member how their summer was…

Your most nonprofit stories.

The ones you tell your family at holiday meals when they ask you how long you’ll be able to work in the nonprofit sector at “that salary level”. We want to know what the impact of the nonprofit sector is from you.

Share your story with us and be featured on the site, Impactfully Yours (our monthly newsletter) or on our social pages!

The Team

Most Nonprofit is a group of nonprofit professionals across the country who know how funny, heartbreaking, and inspiring stories from nonprofit life can be. The good, the bad, and the strategic.

We look forward to reading your submissions with a glass of something strong after a day of board meetings, strategic planning sessions, and networking events that we are “encouraged” to attend with no overtime.

Why a Giraffe?

Giraffes are bold. They wear their spots on their sleeve and stick their necks out for others. They have lofty goals, stand tall for what they believe in, and they have the same amount of “fs” to give as coffee.


Logo by Theresa Feehan.

Cover Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash.