Submission - it has a “mission”

Sharing stories from the nonprofit world is intended to contribute to group cheers of “That happened to me too!” and “I received something even crazier in my appeal’s BRE!”. We want to know what the impact of the nonprofit sector is from you. The good, the bad, and the strategic.

Please review the rules before submitting.

The Rules

  • Nonprofits will not be named or shamed. If you include the name of your nonprofit, we will not share it.

  • We encourage you to submit your personal stories and real experiences. No need to exaggerate (this isn’t your annual appeal letter).

  • First names of people mentioned in your story only.

Contact Us

Want to share things other than stories?

Help improve our community by sending us a handwritten thank you note at the address below:

For every story you submit, you will receive a free Most Nonprofit sticker (while supplies last)!