Boaty McBoatface

I used to work for a nonprofit in town, but recently left my position and now work at a local coffee shop. The other day, I received a text from a coworker saying that a gentleman had come by and asked for me, or, to quote them:

“Someone came in and wanted to make sure you knew they came in.”

Then she sent a picture of a business card with a picture of a yacht on it.

I was so confused.

I told my coworker that I didn’t know who it was, and asked if he had given his name. She then told me that he said he was “my former boss”. Considering my last boss was a woman, I was even more confused.

When I couldn’t guess, my coworker sent me a photo of the OTHER SIDE of the business card. I recognized the name immediately - it was a former board member.

Then my coworker texted, “He said you’d recognize the boat.”

And that’s when I realized that a former board member/major donor had expected me to recognize him from a picture of his YACHT. (To be fair, he did make many phone/zoom calls from his boat, but I’ve never seen the OUTSIDE of it!).

I am still laughing.

- Anonymous

Board, BossAstoria Eve