Home Run?

My position was as the administrator of a new human services app for a nonprofit. I joined the project in the midst of app development and was thrown into discussions with the outsourced developer team. Their entire team was located in a different state so all of our correspondences were held through Zoom, I know, EVERYONES' favorite.

Our "project manager" (quotes because I'm using the term for him loosely), was a disaster. He's easily summed up with unanswered emails and sport metaphors. Yes, nothing better than questions about why we were running hugely over budget or being ignored summed up as "we may be toeing the line with the project now, but you can bet we'll knock it out of the park soon enough...." As things began to get more heated, (aka being a nonprofit funded project not made of money), the project manager began the cute li'l tactic of not only muting himself, but turning off his Zoom screen completely. You know how the saying goes, when the going gets tough, just turn your Zoom screen off! Right?

Thankfully, our combined complaints about our baseball loving, Zoom averted project manager reached the top, and he struck out for the last time. See what I did there?

- Maddie

Naples, Florida