Stranger Danger

One of the most important aspects of my job is being able to communicate well, connect with people, and well, at the end of the day be able to talk. While I have always considered myself a chatty Kathy, this experience confirmed it.

While delivering end of the year gifts to a few major donors (I was still new to the company, so I had not met many of the donors in person, as well as new to the town so I wasn't super familiar with the area), I entered a gated community where I called the donor I was visiting (let's just call her Sally). Sally let me in the gate and then I realized I did not have her home number, only the street name. This meant I had no idea what house she lived in.

As I drove down the street, I saw a lady standing outside her house and thought hmmm maybe this is Sally. I asked and she said no, but that Sally actually lived next door. Perfect! I walked up to Sally's home and she had a friend leaving her house at the same time. I told her who I was, and then we chatted a bit about the weather and then she welcomed me into her home. We small talked a bit more and then I handed her the gift. Then that's when she looked puzzled at the card. "Oh no dear, I don't think this gift is for me."

OH no.. Did I grab the wrong card? The wrong gift? My house looked like a shipping station the past few days between the donor gifts and Christmas cards. I apologized and tried to explain myself. Then that's when she asked who I was with again…because she had never even heard of it.

That is right. I was in a complete strangers home. With a gift that was not for her. And she had no idea what our organization did.

After about 15 more minutes of chatting, sharing our mission, and letting her know ways to get involved, the real Sally gave me a call. I briefly explained what had happened and told her I was headed down the street. Overall, we gained a new supporter and it gave the real Sally and I a good laugh! I still crack up thinking about it and sharing this story with others.

You never know where knocking-on-the-wrong-door may lead you!

- Sydney

Fort Myers, Florida