Mobile Bidding Secrets

A few days ago I volunteered at a gala for a friend of mine (who was the ED). She placed me in the silent auction area to help guests use the mobile bidding platform. OF COURSE as soon as cocktail hour began the QR codes on the printed signs did NOT work - not sure if it was guests’ phones or just the print quality of the signs - so I offered to text or airdrop the link to the mobile bidding page for individual guests.

Towards the end of cocktail hour, an older gentleman approached me and asked how he can bid. I texted him the link but he couldn’t figure out how to open it on his phone. I took his phone and opened Safari so he could paste the link there, when I saw what his last open tab was…

It was Ashley Madison…the affair website…!

Super embarrassed, I quickly pasted the link, hit enter, and handed the phone back to him.

I found out shortly afterwards that he was the AUCTIONEER, who started his charity auction business with his WIFE of 50 years!

So. Awkward.

- Anonymous