Roll Call

I once worked for a nonprofit school, and learned the hard way how tight school budgets can be. Once the school year was over, the building was closed and hardly anyone even came into the building. (Except for me. For some reason, my role as Development & Communications & Tuition Director required me to report in person to the office all summer?)

One of the first days of summer break, I learned that not only was I totally alone, but the janitor was no longer servicing the building. So what happened when I went to use the bathroom? ZERO toilet paper OR paper towels. It was a good thing that I was the only person at work that day! I told my boss, who casually mentioned that it was just the way they saved money in the summer.

The next day, I brought in my own toilet paper from home and left it on the sink JUST IN CASE someone else would need it.

Nothing like our kids' education to bring out the scarcity mentality!

- Teresa
