Free Food Dash

I worked for a non profit that shared its meeting room with outside groups. It was a great way to create more exposure, but also share some good will to other groups that know the pain of finding low cost event spaces. However, there was an added benefit for us on-site staffers: free food. Whenever the outside group would wrap up, they could leave their uneaten food for us low-paid, humble staff members.

We would wait for the notification the strangers left, and run to grab whatever was left. Sometimes it was piles of delicious brownies and buttery cookies. Other times chicken salad that had been left out for four hours, but who were we to turn down free food? Most of the time it was fun to get to catch up and eat together. One time, I remember a coworker saying she couldn't afford groceries that week, and this would be what she lived off of, that was less fun.

Working in for-profit now, I can attest corporate buffets just don't hit the same without the mad scramble, desperation, and caffeination only possible in the nonprofit world.

- Candace
