To Be Young

My nonprofit is a church so our 'donors' are 'registered' with us. We recently sent out our end of year appeal (a nice brochure and letter, along with a robo-message from our Pastor thanking everyone for their participation). Our Pastor also shared about the appeal letter in our Sunday services, and on the following Monday I received an email from an older woman.

She said she had been a registered member for years but did not receive the mailing from the pastor. She was worried that we no longer considered her registered, and added,

"And as I am 90 years old and might be needing your services soon, I thought I should follow-up."

She was referring to our funeral services. The ironic part is that she is sending emails at 90 and her last name is "Young"!

I hope to always be that young!

- Cynthia,


Astoria Eve