No Profit Organization

I’m a consultant working with a 501(c)(3) organization that’s part of a very complicated, international organization, which includes a couple of c3’s, a c4, and a few standard issue for-profit entities. Basically, it used to just be one organization, but then they decided that each of their major departments should spin off on their own.

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Boaty McBoatface

I used to work for a nonprofit in town, but recently left my position and now work at a local coffee shop. The other day, I received a text from a coworker saying that a gentleman had come by and asked for me, or, to quote them:

“Someone came in and wanted to make sure you knew they came in.”

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Board, BossAstoria Eve
Board Members R Us

I recently left an organization that had a very active board of trustees. They were heavily involved in nearly all organization decision making, which made sense 20 years ago when it was all volunteer run, but was quite challenging when we had 12 full time staff…

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Board, MissionAstoria Eve
To Be Young

My nonprofit is a church so our 'donors' are 'registered' with us. We recently sent out our end of year appeal (a nice brochure and letter, along with a robo-message from our Pastor thanking everyone for their participation)…

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Astoria Eve